Additional Behavioral Insights for Wealth Mentoring

This article is for advisors, coaches, consultants and leaders who are seeking to use deeper behavioral insights from the Financial DNA Natural Behavior Discovery Process.

This article is for advisors, coaches, consultants and leaders who are seeking to use deeper behavioral insights from the Financial DNA Natural Behavior Discovery Process to make sustainable behavioral change for building their relationship with money and enhancing their quality of life. Also, the article can be used to guide their employees, clients and peers to do the same.

Common Questions: 

  1. How can I use behavioral insights to build my financial and life plan?
  2. How can I use behavioral insights to build decision-making confidence and enhanced relationships?
  3. How can I learn to communicate more effectively with my employees and clients?
  4. How can I more productively apply my strengths and manage my struggles, so they do not become weaknesses and reduce effectiveness?
  5. Based on my Unique DNA Style what questions should I be asking?

Solution Overview:

We recommend that any self-development or coaching exercise start with a high level of your behavioral style by consulting with:

  1. Financial DNA Unlocking Guide
  2. Performance Keys – Strengths, Struggles and Performance Environment Keys (Communication Keys)
  3. Measuring Financial DNA Behavioral Biases

Then, for deeper analysis consult with the Financial DNA Wealth Mentoring Insights Guide. The Financial DNA Wealth Mentoring Insights Guide provides specific analysis for each of the ten Unique DNA Styles to help with building an enhanced relationship with money. To use this guide, refer to the individual section for the specific Unique DNA Style which you are seeking to gain further understanding of the following:

  1. Typical Financial Planning Strengths
  2. Typical Financial Planning Struggles
  3. Investing Style
  4. Required Style of Advisor
  5. Product and Transaction Needs
  6. Financial Planning Stress
  7. Self-Awareness
  8. Money Management Style
  9. Financial Fears
  10. Communication Style
  11. Measure of Success
  12. Preferred Relationship with Advisors
  13. Approach to the Financial Advisory Process
  14. Decision-Making Approach
  15. Key Questions

In addition, you should read the Leadership Behavior DNA book by Lee Ellis and Hugh Massie for learning more about the behavioral factors and the associated strengths and struggles.