DNA Quantum Leap Program

DNA Quantum Leap for Performance Beyond Exponential Growth

Join Our Global Community Making Quantum Leaps:

Are you a growth-minded entrepreneur, CEO, leader, advisor, coach, or any other person seeking to radically change the trajectory of your life, finances, and business?

Are you seeking to build a people-centric business which experiences performance beyond exponential growth through putting its employees and clients first?

Are you ready to make behavioral changes in your life and business resulting in a significant or dramatic shift in how you live, energize, operate, relate, decide, invest, and perform?

Then, why not think of yourself as a “quantum supercomputer,” and how will you tap “you” for never-thought-of levels of success with less time and effort?

To make the breakthrough life and business changes necessary for a Quantum Leap to occur and thereby trigger the potential for a transformational outcome in the future, there is nothing more important than the health and fitness of your heart and brain. The heart and brain are the ultimate technologies for your long-term success.

If you believe the world is your oyster with a big pearl inside and are open to expanding your consciousness with a global community of other leaders seeking to do the same thing, then join Quantum Leap 360°.

Quantum Leap 360_The World is your Oyster-1Increasing your consciousness and then building an aligned plan which is integrated into every aspect of your life is critical to discovering, achieving, and enjoying what you want. As Hugh Massie says: “A goal without a plan is a dream.

Here is the big life secret from Dr Naram1:

  1. 95% of people on this planet do not know what they want.
  2. Then, 3% of people on this planet know what they want but never achieve it because they do not have the right tools.
  3. Then, 1% of people on this planet, know what they want and achieve it. But in the process of achieving it, they can’t enjoy it. In the process of achieving they get high blood pressure, high cholesterol, back problems, and relationship problems.
  4. Only the remaining 1% of people get what they want, achieve it, and enjoy it.

Unleash Performance Beyond Exponential Growth

Quantum Leap 360_Moonshot

With over 35 years of successful entrepreneurial experiences, Hugh Massie (Bio in Appendix A) and our experienced team of DNA Performance Advisors are ready to guide you on a “space odyssey” journey to increase your Quantum Leap Capacity to create transformational opportunities beyond human imagination. By joining us on the DNA Quantum Leap 360° journey we will empower you to:

  1. Achieve a “moonshot” by unleashing your limitless potential with exponential thinking to yield at least a 10x change or a 1000x improvement from where you are now based on ten doublings.
  2. Take the transformational steps required to grow your wealth potential, make a big and
    meaningful impact and add an extra ten to thirty years of a healthy quality of life.
  3. Use behavior and money insights to improve how you work, live, decide, communicate, invest, spend, give, and relate to money with a purpose-driven mindset.
  4. Make more progress towards your dreams in one year than most people do in ten years.
  5. Be the most conscious, aware, curious, confident, boldest, generous, and abundant version of “you” that you can possibly be.

Quantum Leap 360_Increased QL Capacity Equates to Limitless Opportunities

By working with our DNA Performance Advisors, you will learn how to:

  1. Access the depth of your subconscious mind to levels never previously experienced with scientifically proven tools, measurements, processes, and experiences so you can consciously elevate yourself and make the world a better place.
  2. Build aligned equilibrium in your life with an elevated identity and an enhanced integration of your relationship to money based on the 40 Quantum Laws of Money Energy.
  3. More confidently and wisely make high-stakes decisions which will help you accelerate from achieving linear results to experiencing the making of Quantum Leaps in your life and business.
  4. Elevate your partner, spouse, family, and team so that their limitless potential can be unlocked which will compound your growth beyond exponential performance.
  5. Learn how to build a highly scalable “category king” business that is more employee client centered which successfully manages the tension between achieving results (revenue, productivity, and productivity) and enhanced employee and customer or client relationships (engagement, trust, and loyalty).

If you would like to learn more about the mindset required for making Quantum Leaps, please read our Quantum Leap Transformation Guide.

Outcomes From Greater Behavior and Money Consciousness:

Quantum Leap 360_image1

DNA Behavior’s brand promise is to help you, your team, and your family to “stress less, do more, and be well for longer.” Related to that, our purpose is to help self-empower growth-minded people make Quantum Leaps so they can be happier, more successful, and happier for longer.

By participating in DNA Quantum Leap 360° your heart, mind, and body will be fundamentally re-wired for you to experience:

  1. Being able to wonder and explore a life of infinite possibilities in an expanding world
  2. Reducing bad stress and eliminating self-limiting beliefs
  3. Optimizing life equilibrium for increasing happiness, success, and health for a longer
  4. Elevating and aligning to a higher authentic identity with clarity of purpose
  5. Focusing only on what is essential and eliminating what does not work and drains energy
  6. Radically changing what you can achieve in less time with less effort
  7. Unblocking money congestion and improving your relationship with money
  8. Achieving higher heart coherence
  9. Increasing personal life energy including both physical and mental health
  10. Having more time and freedom
  11. Enhancing relationship connection to open more doors
  12. Creating flow and capitalizing on more of the right opportunities
  13. Living an abundant life with greater meaning and social impact
  14. Improving life, business, and financial decision-making
  15. Building a more scalable employee and client-centered business which has reach far beyond you

DNA Quantum Leap 360° Curriculum for Growth Minded Leaders:

Fundamental to the DNA Behavior approach is “leaders go first”. As a leader, you cannot expect to get on the path of making Quantum Leaps if you do not openly immerse yourself in the necessary deep mindset changes which will inspire you to achieve a much higher level of performance elevation. Only then will the other key players in your life and business be motivated to follow and elevate themselves.

Quantum Leap 360_image2

During a year-long transformational journey, our DNA Quantum Leap 360° curriculum consists of twenty-four (24) facilitated modules which are ninety minutes each (total of 36 hours) covering the following five parts:

  1. Quantum Leap Capacity Expansion
  2. Authentic Identity Empowerment
  3. Quality Life Longevity
  4. Money Energy Empowerment
  5. Business Performance Optimization

Quantum Leap 360_Expanding Consciousness Through 5 Vital Areas-1

The DNA Quantum Leap 360° Curriculum for helping you unleash performance beyond exponential growth is outlined further below and in Appendix B.

The four pillars of the DNA Quantum Leap programming are a heavily guided experience with:

  1. Recognition of your heart, mind, and body are the key technology for success with AI
  2. Science-based behavioral discovery and alignment
  3. Holistic life and business integration with key behavioral, financial, and health metrics
  4. Execution-focused business plan development for sustained scalable growth focused on building an employee and client-centered business.

Quantum Leap 360_Unlocking the Doors to Make Quantum Leaps

So that you can optimize your life and business, we will unpack every dimension of how you think, live, work, interact, give, and decide to help identify and remove all blockages that are impediments to the functioning of your quantum heart-brain operating system. We will also address the potential blockages which come from your key family and team relationships.


Quantum Leap 360_Estonian ProverbWith our “Behavior Drives Performance” belief, the following ten philosophies are central to the facilitation of your Quantum Leap experience:

  1. “Think big and then start small and grow to finish big”.
  2. “To recognize that the real source of your wealth creation is the fitness of your heart, mind and body”
  3. “Build your capability to tap the information packets flowing from your subconscious mind”.
  4. “Identify your X-Factor for defining where you can maximize your potential and impact.
  5. “Live and decide from your authentic identity which reflects your highest place of being”.
  6. “Be in the same body for longer living a Quality Life with a new and expanded mind”.
  7. “Have the time, financial, and relationship freedom to always do what you want, when you want, and with whom you want”.
  8. “Amplify the energy of money in your life so you have increased opportunities to create wealth for living a life of meaning and impact”.
  9. “Create the space and organizational structure so you can take time away from your business with it continuing to flourish without your daily input”.
  10. “Build mindset and business model scalability to have reached far beyond yourself”.

In Appendix C we provide further insights into the drivers which underpin our Behavior Drives Performance Belief and which are integrated into the DNA Quantum Leap 360° curriculum.

The DNA Facilitation Approach:

DNA Behavior is very intentional about providing a guided experience that empowers the participant. In particular, we seek to ensure each participant is communicated with based on their DNA style. Further, the facilitation is about helping you discover and own your own answers.

We seek to raise your behavior and money consciousness using our over 4000 behavior and money insights revealed through scientifically validated discovery processes and then through structured exercises to help you align and integrate your increased consciousness into every aspect of your life supported by execution-focused planning tools.

Quantum Leap 360_DNA Measures the Hidden Behavior and Energy Forces

By participating in the program, you will complete the following DNA Behavior Discovery Processes:

  1. DNA Natural Behavior Discovery;
  2. DNA Quantum Leap Capacity Discovery;
  3. DNA Goals Discovery;
  4. DNA Quality Life Planning Discovery;
  5. DNA Quality Life Performance Discovery;
  6. DNA Money Energy Opportunities Discovery;
  7. Financial DNA Learned Behavior Discovery;
  8. Entrepreneurship Performance Discovery;
  9. Leadership Performance 360 Discovery;
  10. Organizational Energy 360 Discovery.

Our guided facilitation will help unlock strengths, struggles, blindspots, and also blockages to the making of Quantum Leaps and achieving performance beyond exponential growth using the deep behavior and money insights revealed from the above discovery processes.

For optimal results, the program content is delivered as follows:

  1. The twenty-four modules of 90 minutes each are delivered over 12 months with two meetings of 1.5 hrs per month by Zoom (6 meetings per quarter), or delivered on a hybrid basis with in-person meetings.
  2. In Mastermind Groups for a minimum of 10 people by our experienced DNA Performance Advisors, led by Hugh Massie so that you learn with others by openly sharing experiences.
  3. We can also deliver all or part of the program with 1:1 coaching.
  4. We use the DNA Quantum Leap 360° Coaching Dashboard in conjunction with the DNA Web App to provide specific behavior and money insights from:
    • Completion of the DNA Discovery Processes;
    • Measurements of Quality Life, Leadership and Business Performance, and Money Energy; and
    • Uploading of your key biometrics measured by smart devices.
  5. We use a structured curriculum of over 80 carefully curated exercises provided with workbooks and supported by the power of artificial intelligence. The program includes:
    • Completion and feedback on the DNA Discovery Processes;
    • Review and analysis of all materials which are relevant to how you live and do business, including:
      ➢ Life, financial, business, and succession plans;
      ➢ Organizational charts
      ➢ Key biometrics measured by smart devices
      ➢ Life support teams
    • You reading the whitepapers, articles, and books listed in our Recommended Reading List set out in Appendix D.

    Quantum Leap 360_image3

    DNA Behavior Subscription

    DNA Quantum Leap 360° participation requires you to have purchased a subscription to use the DNA Web App with up to 100 family and team members enabled to complete the DNA Discovery Processes and access our online tools and analysis. As part of the subscription package, we provide:

    1. Accredited Behavioral Insights Training for one executive in Quarter 1;
    2. Access to the DNA Online Learning Resources, including all training materials and workbooks, Advanced DNA Resources, and Money Energy Resources.
    3. Inclusion in our Behaviorally Smart Program, including three half-day webinars and an annual conference which is an in-person event and addresses various topics relating to the deployment of DNA Behavior solutions and technology in your business.
    4. Reasonable on-call assistance.

    The focus of our holistic curriculum can be adapted for Executive Leaders, Coaches, Advisors, and Family Leaders.

    Depending on needs, the program can be purchased in quarterly bundles.

    Quantum Leap 360° Program Metrics:

    Through participation in the DNA Quantum Leap 360° program, we will develop measurable goals with you to accelerate your life, financial, and business performance metrics in the following areas:

    1. Quantum Leap Capacity – Consciousness Levels to Make Quantum Leaps
    2. Return on Identity – Moonshot Goal
    3. Quality Life Longevity - Planned lifespan age
    4. Biometric Markers:
      • Heart rate variability
      • Weight
      • Body Mass Index
      • VO2 Max (cardiovascular)
      • Sleep Hours
      • Exercise Met Hrs/Week
    5. Quality Life Equilibrium –Happiness% and planned free days per year
    6. Money Energy – Monthly Cash flow for Financial Freedom
    7. Business Performance Optimization:
      • Entrepreneurship – Talent Optimization
      • Leadership – Results and Relationships Balance
      • Organizational Energy – Business Performance Acceleration

    Additional Consulting Services:

    In addition to the core program, we can facilitate the following four group sessions to leverage the DNA behavior and money insights and unlock blockages:

    1. Introductory Work Talents Team Training session for you and your executive team (Quarter 1)
    2. Money Conversation for and with Spouse or Partner (Quarter 2)
    3. Money Conversations with Family (Quarter 3)
    4. Organizational Development for you and your COO/Business Integrator and Teams (Quarter 4)

    Quantum Leap 360_image4In addition, we have an extensive panel of Strategic Partners in the domain areas listed in Appendix E who assist and support program delivery and provide specialized services when needed 


    1 Source: The Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer by Clint Rogers (Page 34).

    QL Capacity Expansion ManualTo learn more about DNA Behavior International and the solutions we offer, please visit:

    If you have any questions or would like to discuss succeeding in a Quantum World with an executive on our team, please email us at:


    Appendix A – DNA Quantum Leap Facilitation Leadership - Hugh Massie Bio:

    Quantum Leap 360_Hugh MassieThe facilitation of the DNA Quantum Leap Program is led by Hugh Massie, our Executive Chairman and Founder with the support of an experienced team of DNA Performance Advisors.

    As a widely recognized Behavioral Solutions Architect, Hugh approaches every life and organizational challenge through a behavioral lens.

    Hugh’s unique approach expands behavior and money consciousness, which drives your quantum leap capacity, reduces stress, and enables greater happiness, more success, and improved health for longer. Further, he empowers organizations and teams to become an employee and client-centered and in the process enhance decision-making, culture, and

    Since 2001, through Hugh’s “Quantum Leap” focused leadership, DNA Behavior has grown from a start-up concept in Sydney, Australia to developing a ground-breaking behavior and money insights tech platform based in Atlanta, GA which draws on over 4000 scientifically validated insights to serve over 2.5 million people and thousands of organizations in over 125 countries. The business is now on an exponential “10 to the power of 9 plus” growth trajectory to serve over 1 billion relationships by 2030 through its behaviorally interconnected business ecosystem known as the Helix Gateway.

    Further, Hugh and his innovative DNA Behavior team have developed over 100 behavior-related apps in the areas of behavioral discovery, money, and wealth management, human capital, health, communication, family succession, planned giving, and marketing.

    In addition to DNA Behavior, Hugh brings to you the extensive Quantum Leap experiences he has obtained in his life and successful 40-year international business career from:

    1. Growing from being a boy without a father, going to an all-boys boarding school at age nine, playing a wide variety of sports, becoming a lifeguard, and graduating as a Chartered Accountant in Australia.
    2. Having the opportunity to work as an auditor and international tax specialist with Arthur Andersen serving in Sydney, Singapore, and Thailand for ten years.
    3. Running a family cattle ranching business.
    4. Establishing a successful wealth management business in Sydney serving executives and families with assets from 1 million to 1 billion.
    5. Being a corporate advisor, investor, and board member of over 50 early-stage businesses and real estate projects seeing them to re-capitalization, exit, and stock market listing.
    6. Participating as a member leader of the Entrepreneurs Organization for 24 years and serving as a global board member providing learning and development experiences to over 18,000 members.
    7. Membership in other business innovation communities such as Titan 100 and Abundance 360.
    8. Being an award-winning author of two books and a thought-provoking speaker.
    9. Leading a social impact movement through the Boys Without Fathers charity.
    10. Making substantial lifestyle changes to significantly improve healthspan, heart coherence, energy, family relationships, and community involvement.

    Appendix B: DNA Quantum Leap 360° Curriculum


    Curriculum Description Quantum Leap Metrics

    DNA Discovery Processes, Exercises, and Plans

    1. Quantum Leap Capacity Expansion

      6 Sessions, 22 Modules

    DNA Quantum Leap Program Discovery 
    Increasing Your Quantum Leap Capacity 
    Revealing and Elevating Your Identity
    Revealing and Boosting Your Quality Life Longevity
    Revealing and Boosting Your Money Energy
    Positioning Your Business Beyond Exponential Growth
    Quantum Leap Capacity Planning

    Quantum Leap Capacity

    DNA Natural Behavior
    DNA Quantum Leap Capacity Discovery
    Bio Metric Upload
    DNA Quality Life Performance Discovery
    Money Energy Performance Discovery
    Communication Preferences
    Quantum Leap Capacity Dashboard
    Initial Money Relationship
    Integration Plan
    Key Behavioral Modification Strategies

    2. Authentic Identity Empowerment

      4 Sessions, 17 Modules

    Discovering Your X-Factor - Getting to the Truth of Your Unique Gift
    Discovering Your Authentic Identity and Life Purpose - Your Being
    Living Your Authentic Identity With Impact

    DNA Quality Life Planning (Passion, X-Factor, Mission, Values, Purpose)
    Statement of Authentic Identity
    Statement of Quality Life

    3. Quality Life Longevity 


    4 Sessions, 10 Modules

    Establishing Your Longevity Plan
    Setting Your Quality Life Goals
    Awakening Your Mind With Deeper Consciousness
    Quality Living to Make Quantum Leaps

    HRV + Other
    Bio Markers
    Quality Life
    Time Freedom
    Your Personal Life Energy
    Management Plan
    Bio Hacking Journal
    Quality Life Smart Goals Defined
    Quality Life Calendar

    4. Money Energy Amplification

      4 Sessions, 20 Modules

    Discovering Your Unique Financial
    Personality Code
    Discovering Your Money Energy
    Establishing Meaning and Role of Money In Your Life
    Money Conversations With Spouse and Family

    Money Energy

    Learned Behavior Discovery
    Money Energy Measurement
    Money Relationship Defined
    Money Relationship Integration Plan
    Healthy Money Conversations With Spouse and Family

    5. Business Performance Acceleration

      6 Sessions, 14 Modules

    Building Your Moonshot Business Model
    Building Your Business Plan
    Building Your AI Technology Plan
    Enhancing Your Entrepreneurial and
    Business Leadership Performance
    Building Organizational Culture and Engagement
    Building a Client Centered Business
    Establishing Business Decision-Making Processes

    Moonshot Goal
    Performance KPI
    Play Bigger Business Model Design
    Traction Business Plan AI Tech Plan
    DNA Entrepreneurship
    Performance Attributes
    DNA Leadership Performance Attributes
    Leadership Development Plan
    Organizational Structure
    Decision-Making Governance

    Appendix C: DNA Behavior Drives Performance Beliefs:

    We believe that “Behavior Drives Performance”. Using the scientific measurements obtained from the completion of the DNA Discovery Processes we are able to measure your Quality Life, Leadership, and Business Performance. The following The DNA Quantum Leap program recognizes the following sixteen “Behavior Drives Performance” beliefs to unlock your performance:

    Quantum Leap 360_16 Behavior Drives Performance

    Aristotle’s Happiness Virtues

    Further, DNA Behavior adopts many of the philosophical principles of Aristotle of Athens. Aristotle proposed 10 happiness virtues more than two millennia ago, but we believe they provide a handy checklist for making Quantum Leaps so that you can live well today.

    1. Name your fears and face them. Courage can lead to resilience after adversity, and resilience leads to greater happiness.
    2. Know your appetites and control them. Self-control in the face of one’s appetites and base impulses goes hand-in-hand with happiness.
    3. Be neither a cheapskate nor a spendthrift. Avoid stinginess, but without being profligate.
    4. Give as generously as you can. The modern-day academic support for this is unambiguous: Giving feels good.
    5. Focus more on the transcendent; disregard the trivial. This requires being high-minded. That you are occupied by what is deeper and more meaningful in life than transitory pleasures and passing irritations.
    6. True strength is a controlled temper. To be self-possessed in this way brings happiness.
    7. Never lie, especially to yourself. Aristotle recommended that we seek something like secure humility, through which we recognize ourselves and can show others who we are without either puffery or self-denigration.
    8. Stop struggling for your fair share. Aristotle wrote that, “The equitable man is one who by choice and habit … does not stand on his rights unduly, but is content to receive a smaller share although he has the law on his side.”
    9. Forgive others, and forbear their weaknesses. To the contemporary ear, this sounds like politeness or sensitivity to others’ feelings, but the philosopher was recommending something much trickier: forgiveness and forbearance toward others’ faults.
    10. Define your morality and live up to it, even in private. When people undertake what they consider moral acts, they gain in happiness and even more so in a sense of purpose. When they commit immoral acts, they experience the opposite.

    Appendix D: Recommended Reading and Information Resources

    The DNA Online Academy has an extensive library of over 1000 human behavior-oriented knowledge resources, including whitepapers, research booklets, guides, videos, and blogs on a wide range of life and business topics which have been created over 20 years. Please visit our website at: https://dnabehavior.com/resources and https://kb.dnabehavior.com/gene.

    In particular, we request that you read the following research documents prepared by DNA Behavior, which also include references to tools, resources, and recommended reading:

    1. Quantum Leap Transformation
    2. Mastering Your Money Energy
    3. Mastering Your Personal Life Energy
    4. Mastering Entrepreneurial Talents
    5. Building a Behaviorally Smart Organizational Culture
    6. Client Relationship Performance In the New Behavioral Economy

    Given that your Money Energy and relationship to Money is a very significant influence on your ability to capitalize on opportunities and make Quantum Leaps, we suggest your read the 40 Quantum Laws of Money Energy and the related blog series. Please sign up for the blogs here: https://dnabehavior.com/money-energy-digital-community.

    Recommended Reading

    The following books are recommended reading for each of the five core program parts set out in the DNA Quantum Leap Curriculum.

    DNA Quantum Leap Capacity

    The Power of Wonder by Monica Parker
    212 The Extra Degree by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson
    The 10x Rule by Grant Cardone
    10x is Easier than 2x by Dan Sullivan
    The Buddha and the Badass by Vishen Lakhiani
    Limitless by Jim Kwik
    Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle by Joe Sachs

    Authentic Identity Empowerment 

    The Power of Identity by Bill Wiersma
    Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
    A New Earth by Eckhardt Tolle
    Essentialism by Greg McKeowen
    Discover Your True North by Bill George
    High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

    Quality Life Longevity

    Young Forever by Mark Hyman
    Outlive by Peter Attia
    Lifespan by David Sinclair
    Lifespan by Tony Robbins
    The Heart Math Solution by Doc Childre
    The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
    Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza
    The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate
    You Are God Enough by Stevie Ray McHugh
    Energy4Life by Harry Massey
    From Strength to Strength by Arthur Brooks
    Replace Retirement – John Anderson
    Wellbeing by Tom Rath
    High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard
    Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg
    The Heart Math Solution by Doc Childre

    Money Energy Amplification

    Financial DNA by Hugh Massie
    The Awakened Investor by Tim Baker
    The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
    The Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth
    Creating Wealth Starts With Financial Health by Joel Franks
    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
    The Body of Money by Gayle Colman
    Anti-Fragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
    Nudge by Richard Thaler
    Wealth in Families by Charles Collier
    The Golden Ghetto by Jessie O’Neill

    Business Performance Acceleration 

    Business DNA by Carol Pocklington and Hugh Massie
    Leadership Behavior DNA by Lee Ellis and Hugh Massie
    Exponential Organizations by Peter Diamandis
    The Three Financial Styles of Very Successful Leaders by Ted Prince
    Unique Ability by Catherine Nomura and Julia Waller
    Brain Habits by Phillip Campbell
    Play Bigger by Al Ramadan et Al
    Empathy in Action by Tony Bates and Natalie Petouhoff
    Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail et al
    Traction by Gino Wickman
    The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
    Noise by Daniel Kahneman et Al
    Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman et Al
    How We Decide by Joseph Lehrer
    Think Again by Adam Grant
    Pitchology by Steve Distante
    AI As Your Team Mate by Evan Ryan
    Ownership Thinking by Brad Hams

    Additional Human Behavior Recommended Books
    In addition, if you would like a broader recommended reading list that has been curated by DNA Behavior, please visit the Knowledge Center at: https://kb.dnabehavior.com/gene/recommended-reading.

    Blogs and Newsletters
    If you want to expand your thinking in the key dimensions of Quantum Leap 360, the following blogs and newsletters provide valuable insights:

    DNA Quantum Leap Capacity
    Peter Diamandis www.diamandis.com

    Authentic Identity Empowerment
    Words of Wisdom www.real-leaders.com

    Quality Life Longevity
    Longevity Insider www.longevityinsider.com
    Peter Attia www.peterattiamd.com
    Whoop www.whoop.com
    Huberman Lab www.hubermablab.com

    Money Energy Amplification
    Fin Wizdom www.finwizdom.com

    Business Performance Acceleration
    Joe Polish www.joepolish.com
    Friday Forward www.substack.com
    Strategy Business (PWC) www.strategy-business.com
    NFX www.nfx.com

    Appendix E – Strategic Partners:

    DNA Behavior has built a solid network since 2001 of trusted relationships with diverse experiences and expertise. Are you missing one or more of the following crucial areas in your life or business?

    Business and life coaching
    Leadership development
    Team building and coaching
    Organizational design
    Employee and client engagement
    Business profitability
    Recruitment agencies
    Money coaching
    Mental health
    Health, wellness and energy coaching and testing
    Time management
    Consciousness and brain development
    Parenting coaching
    Marketing and branding
    Offshore hiring
    Tech development and AI
    Wealth management
    Family office and Family Life Office
    Financial health, management and literacy
    Financial Behavior Due Diligence for M&A activities
    Capital raising and private equity
    Business exit

    DNA Behavior has personally worked with and/or vetted each and every partner in their respected area and referred them to clients and members for years.

    Depending on your unique needs, if we introduce you to these companies, they’ll work hard for you because DNA Behavior has a great relationship with them too.

    Email us at dnacare@dnabehavior.com, and we’ll introduce you to them.