Customizing Welcome Screen

Users can customize the welcome screen on the self registration page by adding new text and a video.

What is a Welcome Message?

An account's welcome message is displayed on the discovery page for participants. Depending on your account's configuration, you can have up to two welcome messages:


To customize the welcome message for your account, you must be an account admin. To customize your welcome screens, start by logging in to your DNA Web App account and Navigating to Settings

  • Select "Settings" from the main menu.
  • From the left-hand side menu, select "Reports & Customization.
  • Alternatively, use this direct link: DNA Web App Settings.

Customize Your Welcome Message:

On this page, you will see two toggles: Financial Behavior, which controls the welcome settings for the Investor self-registration, and Work Talents, which controls the welcome settings for the Work Talent self-registration. First, choose which discovery you want to customize and then edit the following fields:

  • Enter the text in the Title field to be prominently displayed as the main heading (H1) of the welcome page.
  • Input your content in the Message field, which will serve as the primary body text on the page, providing customized narrative or instructions to the participants.
  • To replace the default introductory video, provide a new Video URL, making this video the first visual element participants engage with.
    • Your video must be hosted on YouTube. Follow these steps to copy the specific embed video URL:
      • Go to YouTube and find the video you want to use.
      • Click the "Share" button below the video.
      • Select "Embed" from the sharing options.
      • Copy the URL from the embed code. Note: copy only the URL from the embed code, not the entire code. See note below:

Note: In order to embed a video URL, the video link must be formatted correctly. The DNA Web App will validate the video URL for a specific format. The video URL you provide must have the embed slug as part of the URL and not "share". This link is included in the "embed" box but does not include the HTML code surrounding it.

Testing your Customized Welcome Screens:

Before sharing your customized welcome screens with new participants, it's important to test them. Once your customized welcome screen is saved, it will override the default settings. To test this in your account, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the self-registration links in your account. You can find these links in the Settings > Self Registration menu. Or simply visit:  DNA Behavior Self Registration Settings
  2. Copy a link of your choice and paste this link into a Private or Incognito Mode browser window. Verify that the title, message, and video URL appear as you wish.

Please note the following:

  • The thumbnails of the videos cannot be changed in this implementation. Your video will only appear once the thumbnail has been selected.
  • Each account can have up to two customizations: one for the Investor Self Registration Process and one for the Work Talents Self Registration Process. If you are using both processes, remember to test your customizations with both link types.

Do you want to create your own videos? Leverage our Examples:

Below is the standardized scripts we use in the DNA Behavior standard videos. Develop your own video instructions by adapting this standard text:

Financial Behavior (Investor) video:

Standard video script used for the welcome video for the Financial Behavior Discovery:

The Financial DNA Discovery process is a scientifically validated way to understand your financial personality, discover your strengths, and provide insights that will help you plan your best life.

In order to achieve our life goals, it is important to understand ourselves and what behaviors will help or hinder the pursuit of those goals.

In just about 10 minutes, you can get powerful personal insights that can help you understand your strengths and the struggles you will face on the journey toward achieving your goals.

Your financial behavior report shows how you naturally approach financial decisions in any circumstance.

Then, Financial DNA Market Mood predicts how your emotions may impact decision-making in real-time, relating to the current market.

Complete your Financial DNA Discovery today and talk to your advisor about how your behaviors will influence your market mode as the market fluctuates.

No mystery, just accurate data, actionable insights, and smart decisions.

Work Talent video:

Standard video script used for the welcome video for the Work Talents Discovery:


The Business DNA Discovery is a scientifically validated tool that reveals your unique behavior combinations, strengths, and keys to communication. 

By investing about 10 minutes into taking the discovery, you will get powerful insights into how you work and how you may need to flex to work better with others. 

With powerful language to describe your strengths, you will be able to better choose work and roles that align with who you are and allow you to succeed as your authentic self.

Knowing yourself is a powerful first step to finding work you love, working better with others, and leading and managing differences between people.