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Accessing Archived Legacy PDF Reports

How to Retrieve Legacy Financial DNA and Business DNA Reports in the DNA Web App.

If you've been with DNA Behavior for a while and have used our old system that generated Financial DNA and Business DNA Reports, your past assessments are still available. Although the old system is retired, your legacy reports are not lost. We've made sure that these reports are archived and accessible in our new system. In this article, we'll walk you through the simple process of retrieving your legacy reports.

This feature is only available for individuals who completed their discovery in the legacy system. This system was decommissioned in mid-2023.

About Legacy Reports

Our old system held a collection of PDF reports that are not available today. Our team has migrated these legacy reports to the new platform, if you had an active subscription at the time of the migration. If you did not have an active subscription, then the records were migrated, but without the reports.

Accessing Legacy Reports

To get your hands on these reports, just follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Log In: Start by logging into your account on our new system. Visit a participant who completed their assessment in the old legacy system.

  2. Toggle the Screen: Once you're logged in, you'll see two options: "Financial Behavior" and "Work Talents." To access your legacy reports, switch between these screens.

Financial DNA Reports: Click on "Financial Behavior" to access your Financial DNA reports. Here are the available legacy reports in this category:

  • Financial Behavior Report - Shows how they make decisions around money, their communication style, how they react to market events, and what motivates them to achieve their goals.
  • FDNA Summary Report - Closes the gap between a client’s true financial behavior and the rationality required for the advisor to effectively manage financial and investment planning.
  • FDNA Financial Planning Report - Providing key behavioral insights into how you naturally approach the financial planning process
  • FDNA 1-Page Factor Report - - Providing in-depth behavioral information to guide them in building their relationship with money and enhancing their quality life
  • FDNA Wealth Mentoring Report - Identifies and measures the client’s natural approach to the financial planning process so that a customized experience can be delivered
  • Financial Talent DNA Report - our Natural Advisory Approach to Closing the Behavior Performance Gap in Guiding Financial Planning Clients to Build a Quality Life
  • Financial Advisor Talent Report -  Your natural risk-taking behavior for making investment decisions
  • FDNA Investment Risk Report - Graphic summary of eight primary factors expressed in sixteen behavioral traits

Business DNA Reports: Switch to "Work Talents" to access your Business DNA reports. Here's what you'll find:

  • Your Work Talents Report - All of the Basic Business Insights to assist your clients with their career or manage your practice
  • BDNA Summary Report - 5-page report. Providing key behavioral insights into your natural workplace talents and business performance
  • Workplace Operation Report - Providing key behavioral insights into your natural workplace talents and business performance
  • BDNA 1-Page Factor Report - Graphic summary of eight primary factors expressed in sixteen behavioral traits.
  • BDNA Coaching Report 28 pages. Providing in-depth coaching information to assist in the development of your personal work and leadership performance
  • BDNA Hiring Report - Summary of the critical elements for the participant to have maximum workplace alignment
  • BDNA Career Report - Summary of the critical natural behavior talents and elements for your preferred work environment. This report serves as the starting point for unlocking your career potential
  • Business Talent DNA Report Provides Natural Approach to Closing the Behavior Performance Gap for Increasing Business
  • Outside Sales Talent DNA Report - Provides self-reflection to capitalize on key entrepreneurial talents.
  • Inside Sales Talent DNA Report - Providing in-depth feedback to assist in the development of your leadership performance and the building of enhanced workplace relationships
  • My Entrepreneurial Style Report - Provides Natural Selling Approach to Closing the Behavior Performance Gap for Increasing Sales
  • Leadership Behavior DNA Report  - Provides Natural Selling Approach to Closing the Behavior Performance Gap for Increasing Sales
  • Sports DNA Summary Report - Enables coaches to guide their players in making more committed decisions to “Live with Meaning” and thereby achieve greater Sports Performance

Download and Explore

Once you've located the report you need, simply click on it to download. You can then explore the insights it contains and use them to fuel your personal and professional growth.

