Communication Styles on your team

This article is intended for all Business DNA users who want to utilize insights to enhance communication among team members and with individuals outside the team.


Common Questions:

How can I use DNA Insights to improve communication on my team?

What are some ways to adapt communication for others?

Solution Overview:

This article provides guidance on utilizing DNA Insights to enhance communication within your team and beyond, applicable to all users.


Each person has a preferred way of communicating and getting things done. If this information was known across your organization, would that make everyone more effective?

DNA Behavior was founded on the concept that behavior should always be front and center and never stuffed into a desk drawer. That’s why if you visit many of our client’s home offices, you’ll see signs of each of the team member’s unique DNA styles all over our desks – as a reminder to our co-workers to create the unique environment that makes us comfortable. Going further, employees are communicating and interacting with each client in a way which unlocks them to engage and trust you more.

Initiators, Strategists, and Influencers tend to be Take Charge (Goal Setting) Communicators. That means they want quick summaries, bullet points, and options. They like making decisions and will do better with having options and being able to add to them and set the direction. Keep communications shorter and focused on results to connect best with these styles.

Engagers and Community Builders and sometimes Influencers tend to be Outgoing (Lifestyle) Communicators. They enjoy getting to verbalize ideas and hearing stories. They also tend to respond well to graphics and visuals that don’t get them too bogged down in details. Make communications with these styles fun and engaging and tell them how is involved your ideas.

Relationship Builders, Facilitators, and some Adapters tend to be Patient (Stability) Communicators. They prefer keeping things safe and conflict-free. Stability communicators appreciate instructions and feel included.

Reflective Thinkers, Stylish Thinkers, and some Adapters tend to be Planned (Information) Communicators. They value transparency in communications and like to read and analyze data for themselves. They enjoy having all the details and will appreciate the time to absorb and reflect on information.

Using Business DNA and our communication insights, you can customize experiences for your clients and employees. Looking to get specific actions to take to match each style. Including:

  • How to set up a meeting room to be most comfortable for your client/employee
  • How to start a conversation
  • The level of detail/information will he/she needs
  • Specific things for you to do to flex your style to match theirs

Download the Communication Unlocking Guide to better connect with your teams.


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