Team Talent Gap Analysis for Recruiting

This article is for anyone involved in the hiring and team-building process that need to determine if there is a talent gap that needs to be filled: Leaders, Human Resources, Consultants.

This article is for anyone involved in the hiring and team-building process:

  • Leaders – making strategic decisions to determine whether they need to fill a position on their team
  • Human Resources – required to develop and oversee the need to fill a position on a team
  • Consultants - who are working with Leaders and Human Resources on recruiting needs


Common Questions: 

  1. Is there a talent gap in your team that needs to be filled?
  2. Do you require a structured process to guide or aid you in deciding whether there is a talent gap in your team?
  3. Do you require a framework and basis upon which to perform further research?

Solution Overview:

Research shows that hiring and recruiting people to existing teams can be flawed because it is overly reliant on the imperfections of human decision-making.

The core of the problem often starts with a flawed understanding of the talents required for the team to achieve its mission.

Further, the leader and hiring panel can be misguided because they have yet to perform objective analysis based on the behavioral science of the talents currently on the team and the job requirements of each role needed for the team going forward. Further, the decision-makers may need to have correctly assessed team effectiveness.


Team Talent Gap Analysis Decision Aid: 

DNA Behavior has built a Team Talent Gap Analysis Aid that has been carefully structured to help decision-makers objectively come to a “Yes or No” conclusion about whether a talent gap needs to be filled.

  1. A “Yes” answer means hire to fill the gap.
  2. A “No” means a definite “No,” or there are reservations.
  3. A No can trigger more research, probing, or consideration by the organization.

The decision aid includes a specific sub-decision framework, each of the seven sub-questions requiring a Yes or No answer. If there is a No at any point, that indicates that there is no talent gap or more work is needed before a “Yes” answer can be given.

The sub-questions are supported by a series of specific questions on each Team Talent Gap Analysis Aid schedule to assist the decision-makers in coming to an objective conclusion.

The sub-question framework for the Team Talent Gap Analysis is below:

  1. Do team performance metrics indicate a potential gap within the team?
  2. Does this team need to hire an additional person to fill a talent gap?
  3. Is the current team not performing well?
  4. Do individual team members work effectively in the team?
  5. Are you clear there is a talent gap in the team that cannot be filled from within?
  6. Can you identify what talent is needed to fill the gap?
  7. Is the team currently not a behavioral fit to achieve their mission

Team Talent Gap Analysis Decision Aid


For more information about the overall DNA Behavior Hiring Performance, please visit to download the White Paper.