Team Compatibility

This article applies to users of Business DNA looking to use insights for better teamwork.

Common Questions:

How can I use Business DNA Insights to improve teamwork?

How can I use Business DNA to get people on my team to work better together?

Solution Overview:

This article addresses how to use DNA Team Insights to improve teamwork in your organization.


How does your team combine to operate together?

In any team, there will be those who passionately and tenaciously bring a vision to completion. Others will be spontaneous, creative, and challenge conventional ideas. And there will be those whose experiences and behaviors cross-pollinate, bringing unique perspectives and approaches to work in different functional areas.

Finding Team Balance to Build Team Compatibility:

Teams with the highest potential for becoming top-performing teams are those that have strengths in all behavioral areas. Where one player is keen on creativity, another is strong on operationalizing new ideas to make them scalable and repeatable. Where one is good with detailed planning, another should be good at following instinct when the plan gets stuck. With the DNA Behavior team report, you can quickly see and share where your team strengths are and where you may have behavioral gaps that could be important to fill.

In-depth Reporting for Team Compatibility:

In addition to creating a balance of strengths on a team, our team report helps you to see where you will need to manage extreme behavioral differences among team members.  While leveraging everyone’s strengths is ideal, that requires team members to respect and honor differences in styles and to understand they may struggle with tasks that come quickly to another team member. The team report allows teams to review and discuss strengths and needs with each other to form strong teams that leverage and manage their behavioral differences.

Powerful, team reporting combines all of the behaviors of team members and helps leaders predict how the members will operate as a unit.


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