Understanding Style Match: Insights from Our Research Study

A study with 65,000 participants to explore the style matches between unique styles

What is a Unique Style?

In our research, we define a unique style as a specific pattern of communication, decision-making, and interpersonal interactions that characterizes an individual. These styles are crucial in understanding how people relate to one another and how they perform in different environments. By recognizing these patterns, we can predict and enhance interactions, making personal and professional relationships more effective.

About the Study

Our comprehensive study involved 65,000 participants, each categorized into one of 10 distinct behavioral styles. These styles are crucial in understanding how people relate to one another and how they perform in different environments. By recognizing these patterns, we can predict and enhance interactions, making personal and professional relationships more effective. These styles within the DNA Behavior framework are:

  • Adapter
  • Community Builder
  • Engager
  • Facilitator
  • Influencer
  • Initiator
  • Reflective Thinker
  • Relationship Builder
  • Strategist
  • Stylish Thinker

Each style encompasses a unique set of traits and preferences that define how individuals engage with the world around them. This categorization helps in identifying and understanding the diverse ways people interact and make decisions.

What is a Style Match?

The Style Match Insight measures the relative distance between two individuals in terms of their behavioral styles. This insight is represented as a percentage score, ranging from 0 to 100%, indicating the degree of similarity or difference between them.

  • Higher Scores: Indicate a strong similarity between the individuals, suggesting good compatibility when working together. This implies that the individuals share similar communication styles, decision-making processes, and interpersonal approaches, which can lead to smoother and more efficient collaboration.
  • Lower Scores: Suggest a greater difference in styles, indicating that adjustments may be necessary to facilitate effective collaboration. These differences can provide opportunities for complementary skills and perspectives but may require more effort to align and harmonize working methods.

The Style Match Insight adapts to the user's selection on the screen. For instance:

  • If you are viewing insights for one person, the Style Match Card compares you (the logged-in user) with the other individual.
  • If you are viewing insights for two people, the Style Match Card compares the two selected individuals.

Interactive Graph: Style Match Matrix

In the interactive graph below, we present the style match between each unique style in a matrix form. This matrix allows you to visualize and understand the compatibility between different styles, helping to identify potential strengths and challenges in various pairings.


By leveraging these insights, individuals and organizations can foster better relationships, enhance team dynamics, and improve overall productivity. Understanding style matches is a powerful tool for personal growth and professional development, enabling more effective and harmonious interactions in all areas of life.