The policies we follow when revising the DNA Insight Calculations. We cover which insights change overtime and which ones stay the same for life.
DNA Behavior currently has hundreds of insights to describe virtually every human habit for working, investing, and decision-making. We are committed to building new innovative ways for our users to experience these data points and apply them to their everyday lives. From time to time, our research and product teams develop new methods to measure and describe existing DNA insights. Since these insights have previously been reported to participants, sometimes the scores or words that describe them may change on our screens, dashboards, or API. Below is an outline of how records are updated within the DNA Behavior System and Databases as we innovate using Behavioral Science.
DNA Insight: |
Example: |
Frequency this update may occur: |
Affected Parties: |
Unique Styles: New research becomes available to improve the model that assigns a Unique Style |
Natural Behavior:
Communication DNA:
Rarely: Every 3-5 years |
Only new DNA Discovery records will be updated with the new model. Participants' unique style that has been assigned upon completion will not change. |
Factor & Sub-factor T-scores and Population %: New research becomes available to improve the model that assigns the Factor and Sub-Factor T-scores |
Natural Behavior:
Communication DNA:
Rarely: Every 3-5 years |
Only new DNA Discovery records will be updated with the new model. Participants' T-Scores that have been assigned upon completion will not change. |
Behavioral Insights: New research becomes available to improve the model that presents a score and description of a participant using a blend of the underlying factor and sub-factor T-scores |
Natural Behavior:
Bi-annually: New research is applied to existing records as available and typically two times per year. |
To ensure all records have the most up-to-date insights reported, all records in the DNA Behavior system will be updated as new research and methods become available. |
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