ISV Partner Readiness

Recommended steps to complete before signing up for the ISV Partner Program.

Applies to: Prospects for the DNA Behavior ISV (Independent Software Vendor) Partnership Program

Becoming a successful ISV Partner requires for your leadership team, operations, and technology to be in ready. Our team has curated the following list of readiness steps which, if all completed, will help your team succeed as a DNA ISV.

Leadership Team Readiness:

  1. Elect a responsible manager who will manage the daily business activities of your business, be the main point of contact for all partner communications and be responsible for accreditation training.
  2. Elect a Chief Behavioral Officer (CBO) who will be the main champion for human behavior both internally and externally.
    1. Register the CBO for Certification training with a certified DNA Behavior trainer.
    2. Schedule the CBO for an identity interview and read the book "The Power of Identity" by Bill Wiersma.

Firm Readiness:

To ensure for efficient onboarding and success with the ISV Partnership program, we recommend that you and your firm complete the following steps. 

  1. Establishment of Legal Name, Entity, Financial and Legal Structure
  2. Define business scope, market, or service niche and identify ideal customers.
  3. Identify a Responsible Manager that will be the main point of contact for the development and commercialization of products including DNA insights.
  4. Identify an internal Chief Behavioral Officer to learn and master the behavior and money insights, and the DNA API.
  5. Develop a Business Plan
  6. Prepare a “Category King” Marketing Plan demonstrating market differentiation, including a Point of View statement (as outlined in the book “Play Bigger”). Including:
    1. Pricing strategy, including SaaS plans
    2. Sales and marketing approach
    3. Customer segmentation
    4. Use of representatives, agents, distributors
  7. Prepare a whitepaper documenting your thesis as to how in some way “behavior drives performance” or a desired outcome in some way. For instance, how the strength of financial behavior competencies leads to increased profits.
  8. Prepare a Product Plan (DNA Behavior IP Usage Application) with all specifications identified. Including:
    1. Detailed description of the product being developed – an outline of its business and tech dev specs, including detailed diagrams and illustrations
    2. Demonstration of how the product being developed leverages the DNA Behavior products rather than is a replacement or re-skinning of them
    3. Requirements for API’s and details of the specific DNA insights that you require us to provide
    4. Mock-up of the proposed branding, custom reports and how DNA Behavior will be represented, including sales and marketing strategy
    5. Identification of which of the Principal’s Behavioral Insights will be utilized
    6. What unique IP using the Principal’s Behavioral Insights is proposed to be developed by the DNA ISV
    7. Industry standard architecture for scalable access to your application.
    8. Security and privacy. An enterprise level DNA Technology Review will be required if the business is to participate in the DNA Helix Gateway.
    9. Summary of development time-table and what will be delivered for market usage. Create a Technology Plan, including platform, tools and software used. Including:
  9. Adopt a Traction Meeting Plan manage your business as it grows.

Technology Readiness:

Other ISVs have found success using the following tools while building and implementing this application.

  • Hosting: Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS
  • Office Systems: Microsoft 365 or Google Suite
  • CRM & Marketing Automation: Hubspot
  • Billing: Chargify (for SAAS) Stripe (for credit card transactions)

If your firm has not developed applications in the past, reach out to us. We offer various training programs to prepare your staff and can recommend you to implementation partners who can help with technology and application development once you have become an ISV partner. 


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