This article is for anyone involved in making informed people decisions in the hiring and team-building process, especially in designing a role and benchmarks for that role: Leaders, Human Resources, Consultants.
This article is for anyone involved in making informed people decisions in the hiring and team-building process:
- Leaders – to make informed strategic decisions based on benchmarking data to inform the talents required for a role being hired for.
- Human Resources – required to develop and oversee the need to fill a position on a team based on role benchmarking data.
- Consultants - who are working with Leaders and Human Resources on building and applying a role benchmarking process for all recruiting and people management needs.
Common Questions:
- How can a role be better designed to improve the hiring process?
- Is there sufficient information available to design a benchmark for the role?
- What are the key behavioral talent requirements for performance in this role?
- Are there any unique factors or requirements for this role in our organization?
Solution Overview:
The design of a customized role benchmark enables leaders to establish the requirements more specifically for a role. However, building a customized benchmark requires the availability of specific information and enough people who have performed the role successfully and not as successfully in the past.
Using benchmarking data to design a role helps businesses improve employee talent use, streamline organizational tasks, and identify areas for process improvement. Without it, decision-makers lack essential information for critical role hiring, impacting success and productivity.
DNA Behavior has developed a robust benchmarking process that provides decision-makers with valuable insights for selecting suitable candidates for specific roles within your organization. This comprehensive checklist ensures that each position's requirements, competencies, and responsibilities are meticulously defined, facilitating a more effective alignment between candidates and roles.
Role Benchmarking Decision Aid:
The DNA Behavior Benchmark Decision Aid has been carefully structured to help decision-makers objectively reach a “Yes or No” conclusion about the capability to benchmark a role for use in their hiring process.
- The goal is to have a definitive Yes/No answer.
- A "Yes" means a customized role benchmark can be established for determining candidate suitability in the hiring process.
- A "No" means a definite No, or there are reservations.
- A "No" can trigger - more research, probing, or consideration by the organization. Further, it may mean using the standard DNA Behavior benchmarks.
Sub-Decision Framework (refer to each tab for questions on each sub-decision):
The decision aid includes a specific sub-decision framework, with each of the five sub-questions requiring a "Yes" or "No" answer. If there is a "No" at any point, that indicates that the role cannot be benchmarked for use in the hiring process or more work is required before a “Yes” answer can be given.
- Is there sufficient information known about the role to benchmark it?
- Is the role sufficiently capable of being defined?
- Has the information needed to determine the benchmark for the role been obtained?
- Is a benchmark able to be measured for the role?
- Has the process for using the role benchmark been defined?
The sub-questions are supported by a series of specific questions on each schedule of the Role Benchmarking Team Decision Aid to assist the decision-makers in coming to an objective conclusion.
DNA Role Benchmarking Decision Aid
For more information about the overall DNA Behavior Hiring Performance, please head to to download the White Paper