DNA Behavior and Adaptability

This article applies to users of Business DNA looking to use insights for helping clients and teams adapt to changing environments.

Common Questions:

How can I use DNA Insights to foster adaptability on my team?

Does DNA Behavior measure adaptability?

Solution Overview:

This article addresses behavioral traits of adaptability and how you can use them to create an advantage for your teams.


Whether it is adapting to new technology, new organizational structure, or processes, employees today all require a level of adaptability, but which employees in your organization are the most adaptable? How resilient is your organization to change? There are behavioral insights for that!

Spontaneous and Creative talents are often correlated with Adaptability. In addition, some of the subfactors of risk and pioneering give you clues to who your most adaptable team members will be and we even have a measure of adaptability in some of our advanced insights.

When organizations are faced with change, as all are at some time, knowing who your early adopters are can be a huge benefit in leading change initiatives. If you put a change resister in charge of your largest organizational change effort because he/she has great organizational skills, you may find that the change takes much more time and effort to complete, because the leader of the change is struggling to make the shift. Getting your more adaptable team members to help champion the change, pave the way, and draw the connection from past to future is critical to most change initiatives.

While organizational and communication skills are critical to leading large change, so too are adaptability and resiliency. Now, you can be intentional about choosing both for your change initiatives. Using Business DNA insights to help you, you can find team members in your organization that are the most adaptable and get them to help you lead change, innovate, design for the future, and adapt to new technology.

DNA Behavior Coaches work with leaders looking to up their game, increase their confidence, and assist teams to adapt their working environment to current trends. We’ll start by identifying early adopters in your team and develop a dashboard and action plan to help your team become more adaptable.


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