Building Team Relationships

This article describes building team relationships using insights from the Business DNA system.

Common Questions:  

How do I use Business DNA to build team relationships? 

Does Business DNA work with teams? 

Solution Overview: 

This article describes building team relationships using insights from the Business DNA system.

Video Walkthrough: 

Note:  This video was created using a legacy system. Some features and insights may be different in the new system.  Contact support if you have questions. 


To build a good relationship, you need to: 

  • Follow the Platinum Rule of Relationships: Know how to adapt your communication to be on the other person’s terms. Empathetically demonstrate your understanding of them when communicating. 
  • Be aware of how your strengths and struggles can impact the other person, and be prepared to adapt your behavior.  
  • Transparency builds trust. Be able to openly share yourself to build trust: “knowing me-knowing you.” Openly admit your strengths and struggles. 

Leaders and coaches often use the following exercise to make the most of Business DNA insights. 

Exercise: Using the DNA Ultimate Performance Guide in Your Business DNA Summary Report, address the following areas which will be foundational to the relationship with your leader or coach. 

  • How will you measure your relationship with your Leader or Coach? (e.g.  results, quality of the interaction, etc.) 
  • How do you wish to be communicated with? (e.g. phone, email, detailed reports, etc.) 
  • What is your goal-setting style? (e.g. regular review and documentation, etc.) 
  • What is the ideal pattern of your business decision-making? (e.g. researching, taking risks, networking, etc.) 
  • What will be the accountability process with your Leader or Coach about making decisions? (e.g. call before decisions are made, monthly, quarterly,  or annual meetings, etc.)  

Have each person on the team share their unique talents using the Performance Guide insights: 

Share with the team – with the leader starting: 

  • 3 Unique Strengths 
  • 2 Unique Struggles 
  • 3 Environment Keys (Communication) 

Once behavioral awareness is developed in the team, we have additional specialized programs in the following areas: 

  1. Team Dysfunctions and Trust 
  2. Business planning 
  3. Communication training 
  4. Effective meetings 
  5. Conflict resolution 
  6. Communication training 


Here is the link for the Leadership Behavior DNA Book:


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