Beyond the Factor Scores, Additional Insights for Applying Natural Behavior

This article applies to DNA Subscribers who want to learn more about the insights in the Ultimate Performance Guide, Quality Life Behavioral Attitudes, and Financial or Business Planning insights.

Common Questions:

What is the Ultimate Performance Guide?

How can I use the ultimate performance guide with clients?

How do I use the Quality Life Behavioral Attitudes table?

What does the Financial/Business Planning Insights mean?

Solution Overview:

The ultimate performance guide provides you and your client insights based on their top two behavioral traits. This guide gives you a quick one-page view of client strengths, struggles, and environment keys. One’s strongest behavioral traits often influence natural motivations, desires, and approaches to life. The Quality Life Behavioral Attitudes are summarized for the top two traits in a profile to provide additional insights on how you plan, set goals, and take action. The Financial/Business Planning Insights are based on behavioral factors and natural talents.

Video Walk-through:


The ultimate performance guide shows your client's performance strengths, struggles, and environment keys.

Knowing strengths can increase performance potential. By having a language to discuss and recognize strengths, your client can find work/systems/etc. that is a match for their unique performance strengths. You will see that the top 3 strengths listed on the report come from the client's strongest behavioral trait. The fourth and fifth strengths come from the second strongest trait.

Knowing struggles can reduce performance impediments. By having the language to recognize strengths overplayed or under stress, your client can be on the lookout for these behaviors that can turn strengths into struggles. The first 2 struggles listed are related to the top behavioral trait, and the third is related to the second strongest trait.

Performance Environment Keys indicate the required setting for maximum performance.

The top 3 keys are associated with the client's top behavioral strength, while the fourth and fifth keys are related to the second strongest behavioral trait.

Because strengths, struggles, and environment keys are based on top traits for the individual client, you can have two people with the same unique style with completely different strengths, struggles, and environment keys. These insights are specific to the individual.

The Quality Life Behavior Attitudes insights are based on one’s top 2 behavioral traits and describe briefly how these traits are expressed as:

Quality Life Outlook - what do you value for a quality life

Wealth Creation Philosophy – How do you build wealth

Financial Attitude – how do you approach finances

Financial Goal-Setting Approach – How do you set goals?

Activity Passion – what activities feed your passions

Values – what do you value based on behaviors

Planned Giving Motivation – how do you think about volunteering, donations

Strength – what behavioral strengths are associated with these factors

Blind spot – what behaviors might be blinds pots for you

Communication – what is your preference for communications


Financial Planning Insights give the ranking as a percentage of the population on the following insights based on the unique blend of behavioral factors.

Sets the Agenda for Planning Process

Patiently Builds Long-Term Relationships

Focus on Bottom-Line Results

Risk Propensity for Taking Chances

Risk Tolerance for Living with Losses

Sets Goals for Ambitious Plans

Pursues Goals to Stay Focused on the Plan

Comfort to Deal with Change and Make Decisions

New Idea Driven for investing in solutions and products

Financial Organized and Follows Budgets

Need for Information, Research, and Analysis

Spending Desire on Lifestyle Items

Need to Control Over Financial Planning Decisions


Business Planning Insights give the ranking as a percentage of the population on the following insights based on the unique blend of behavioral factors.

Desire to Make Decisions

Patiently Builds long term Relationships

Focus on Bottom-Line Results

Set Goals for Ambitious Plans

Pursues Goals to Stay Focused on the Plan

Prepared to Focus on and Support Innovation

Need for Information, Research, and Analysis

Ease to Communicate Directly and Candidly

Confronts Directly and Candidly

Ability to Empathetically Listen

Quickly Makes Decisions with Confidence

Independently Makes Decisions


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