Performance Keys

This article applies to users of Business DNA looking to use insights for people to recognize their strengths, struggles, and the environments where they will perform best.

Common Questions:

How can I use Business DNA Insights to improve the performance of my team?

What are the Performance Keys?

Solution Overview:

This article addresses how to use DNA Performance Insights to improve productivity and role alignment on your team.


Business DNA is built on a “strengths first” methodology, meaning each person has their own unique set of strengths and struggles, and the insights are developed to help individuals leverage their strengths and minimize their efforts to increase their performance.

Firms leverage out-of-the-box insights included in our subscription packages or the algorithms in the DNA API to find the best staff member to service their employees to create lasting connections and boost engagement.

How Strengths are highlighted in Business DNA insights:

By knowing your strengths, you can increase your performance potential. Do you tend to be focused more on Results or Relationships? Our reports help you understand your approach to getting things done, making decisions, working with others, and planning work. With these insights, you can align your talents with work that needs to be done on your team and in your organization.

How Business DNA helps employees and leaders identify their Struggles:

Knowing your struggles, you can reduce your performance impediments. Once we know our strengths, many of us like to stop there, but it is the unmanaged struggles that tend to cause frustration and communication and performance issues in the workplace. Our insights help you see where strength can become a struggle if it is overplayed and help you see where balancing your use of strength, or flexing to do work in a different way than is natural for you can help you succeed as a team player and as a leader.

Knowing Your Performance Environment Keys:

Knowing what you need from your environment helps you and others understand how to get your best performance. We all want to work in an environment where we feel successful, appreciated, and like we are providing meaningful contributions. With DNA Behavior communication and environment keys insights, you can ask for what you need to be at your best at work. Use these insights to help adjust to your co-workers and have a common language to ask for what you need in return. We sometimes have needs that others might not see or consider because it is not natural for them and not how they prefer to work, with the DNA Behavior insights, you have better insight into coworker's preferences and needs and an easier way to express what you may need.

Find these insights on the insights card in your system.

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